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Dolce & Gabbana Oversized Hoodie With Logo | Sendegaro コンテンツにスキップします



Dolce & Gabbana

Oversized Hoodie With Logo

セール価格¥117,200 通常価格¥154,000




The Dolce & Gabbana Palermo collection showcases the connection between the natural environment of Sicily and the world of the Sicilian man. Warm shades of sand, cream, and Nero Sicilia black, along with floral patterns and iconic prints, are featured in this description. In order to achieve a new sense of balance, the timeless pieces from the Dolce&Gabbana collection were redesigned using various materials.このコレクションは、1940年代と1950年代のアンティークマットレスを連想させるストライプや、衣装の古典的なスタイルなど、インスピレーションに満ちています。 The Dolce & Gabbana Oversize hoodie with DG logo print is a must-have for any wardrobe.